Thursday 11 January 2018

5 Quick Tips for Finding a Reputable Dog Breeder

If any activity can generate money, one can be sure humans will get into the act. Dog breeding is one such activity that has been commercialised to the same level as cattle breeding due to the high demand for pets around the USA. This has led to the rise of unscrupulous breeders who are out to make money. Should one wish to buy a dog or puppy, it is best to get them from a reputable and caring dog breeder rather than from pet shops or puppy mills. Here are a few tips to find a reputable dog breeder.

“We can get you a pup any time, any type”

sheepadoodle puppies

Puppy mills boast of their ability to fulfil orders for any type of pup at any time. These are puppy mills where dogs are often housed in small cages, malnourished, mal-treated and kept in inhuman conditions. These are best avoided. Good breeders make available pups for sale only once or twice a year and that too after a thorough evaluation of the buyer to ensure the pup is going into the right hands.

Reputable dog breeders treat dogs like family members

sheepadoodle puppies

Reputable dog breeders like seminolekennels offer sheepadoodle puppies and dogs for sale in the USA. They treat dogs like family members and the dogs get to live inside the house, not in the backyard or in a cage. They get to eat good food, exercise, play, get taken care of and are dogs whose tails wag with happiness all the time. Find such a breeder and one can find pups worth buying.

Testimonials and references

sheepadoodle puppies

A good dog breeder will happily provide references and testimonials from clients. He has nothing to hide. One can expect to get phone numbers or even addresses of past buyers who will all speak in glowing, positive terms about that breeder. One can trust such breeders.


sheepadoodle puppies

Take for instance. They know about sheepadoodles and will provide all information about the sire and dam and also about the breed’s characteristics. They will be happy to show intending buyers the mother of the pup and let the buyer handle the pup as well. Buyers receive full advice on care, training and upbringing of the proposed new family member.

Dog breeder more interested in welfare of pup than in earning money

sheepadoodle puppies

A good dog breeder will ask prospective buyers many questions to find out just how well the pup will be received and treated. They will also insist on taking the dog back if they ever find out the owner is neglecting the pup. Full marks to such breeders from whom one can buy sheepadoodles with confidence.

Finding the right breeder is not so difficult if one knows what to look for. 
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